Why Foster?

An adult male and female sat in the grass holding a young child

Why millennials can make great foster carers

When imagining a traditional foster carer, these figures are sometimes stereotyped as a middle-aged couple or single mother whose children have flown…

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Benefits of becoming a foster carer

If you are considering becoming a foster carer with Beacon Fostering, you’ll be pleased to hear that there are many benefits to…

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Foster care success stories

If you are considering becoming a foster carer, you may be wondering what other carers, past and current, have experienced when looking…

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Reasons for fostering a child in need

Here at Beacon Fostering, we support foster carers based in the North West, such as Chester and Lancashire, with looking after children…

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Making a difference: the rewarding experience of foster care

In this article, we’ll take a look at why providing foster care can be a rewarding experience….

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Gaining new perspectives: the transformative journey of foster caring

Becoming a foster carer is an avenue for achieving personal growth and broadening perspectives….

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