Child Welfare

Children’s rights in the UK

Children’s rights refer to the basic rights and freedoms of those under the age of 18.

They consider the foundations that every child should have, such as education, having their opinions heard and living in a safe environment.

The UN Convention on the Rights of a Child (UNCRC) is an international treaty comprising the 54 articles setting out what rights children are entitled to.

Why are children’s rights so important?

Children’s rights form the foundation to society. Unlike adults, they require additional protections by their government and its rules.

According to UNICEF, 4 million children in the UK live in poverty, and others face varying hardships and challenges that detriment their wellbeing.

This organisation, combined with others and the UK government, have a responsibility to ensure that children’s needs are met. If they aren’t, they will help them, their families and local communities ensure that they grow up to be healthy, happy, sufficiently educated members of society.

How does the UK recognise the rights of the child?

The Children Act of 1989 is an example of legislation that considers the rights of foster children, their carers and their families of origin.

There are three principles: the child’s welfare, professional-family partnerships and the wishes of the child and/or parents.

The first maintains that the child is safe from harm or neglect, and the second prioritises keeping contact between the child and their family when appropriate and possible. Finally, the third principle considers the child’s preferences and needs regarding their backgrounds when deciding what their future entails.

Here at Beacon Fostering, we stay up to date on all things relating to child welfare and foster care.