Information for Children
and Young Persons
> Your wellbeing and happiness
We want to see you flourish, and for you to be happy with your foster carers (and overall). You may have experienced difficult times, or are finding things tough now, but either way, we are here to help you.
We have Children’s Guides specially made for you, which can be shared easily by your social worker (if you haven’t received these already). Please contact us on info@beaconfostering.com, or speak to your social worker or any other Beacon Fostering team members.
• Your arrival with your foster carers and going forward – We aim to make you feel safe, and have the chance to do the things you enjoy. Our social worker will visit you regularly to say hello and listen to your needs.
• Your voice and sharing feedback – You can speak to us about anything. We are here for you.
> Events and activities
Throughout the year, we want you to have fun, and we will organise activities and events for you to attend. These can be anything from face painting, playing football, going to the theatre or just going for a walk. Feel free to share any ideas you have with us or your foster carers.
We will also have awards each year for our children and young persons to celebrate your achievements.
> Beacon’s “Sporting Chance”
This is our extra step to support your sporting interests and hobbies. Please speak to your carers or your social worker about how we can provide a grant to pay toward your sports and hobbies.
> Care Leavers
We love to celebrate and see your achievements, from education, personal development, employment or going on to university. Your foster carers and Beacon will help with your progression from care to independence.