
The fostering process

If you’re curious about providing foster care in Cheshire to a child or younger person, it’s understood you’ll want an overview of what’s involved. Here, we look at the multiple

Holiday location ideas for foster families

All children deserve to have a childhood filled with the best experiences - especially if they have had a difficult start in life. Those providing foster care in Preston or

Do Foster Carers Have To Pay Council Tax?

A frequently asked question in fostering is whether or not foster carers have to pay certain taxes. Within this blog, we will be concentrating on council tax payments as a

How do I build trust with my foster child?

Children and young people that enter foster care often come from homes and families of origin that were/are unstable and chaotic. It is the role of foster carers to ensure

An Overview of the Fostering Process

A summary When a child or young person's needs or reasons for entering foster care are determined or communicated to professionals, the fostering journey begins. Local authorities are in charge

The rights of foster children

Children’s rights being acknowledged and adhered to are important to all children, especially to those who are living in foster care. Here’s what to know from Beacon Fostering regarding the

Fostering tax records and relief

You are considered self-employed when you foster and need to register with HMRC. For the children and youth placed with you, you will receive fostering payments, which are exempt from

What are care leavers’ rights?

If you are fostering children and young people on a long-term basis, or are considering long-term fostering, you might be wondering what help and support they receive when they are

Foster Carer Recruitment Targets

Seventy-five percent of the 100,437 children in care in the UK today reside with foster families. Due to the inability to find a foster family in the area, these children—an

Beacon Fostering: Meet the team!

At Beacon Fostering, we have a real family ethos as we strive for our foster carers to feel as though they are part of the Beacon Fostering family. Therefore, we

What to know about the Help at Hand scheme

When your foster child reaches their later teenage years, you will probably be wondering what happens to the support they’ll receive when they finish their schooling and prepare to enter

What is parentification of children?

Many children who enter foster care come from backgrounds and upbringings where their parents and other adults failed to meet their needs adequately. Some of them who have siblings may

Short break fostering – what is it?

Short break fostering, also known as respite fostering, is a type of foster care where a carer looks after a child for between a few hours to a few days.

Fostering Sikh children

Children who enter foster care come from various cultures and religions. Although fostering agencies will seek to match children with carers and families of a similar or shared background, this

Fostering Support Groups

Participation in support groups is a crucial aspect of the development of all Foster Carers. You have the flexibility to join any group of your choice, including multiple groups. These

Merry Christmas from Beacon Fostering

Merry Christmas from all the team at Beacon Fostering! Christmas is a great time to not only consider fostering but also to discuss and recommend fostering to family and friends.

Tips for your first Christmas with your foster child

For many children, Christmas represents a thrilling season characterised by gifts, festive decorations, and cherished moments with family. However, this experience can be markedly different for children in foster care.

What training does Beacon Fostering offer?

The personal development and training of each Beacon Fostering carer is a key priority for our organisation. We will collaborate with you to establish an annual training plan that enhances

What happens at fostering panel?

During the fostering application process, potential foster carers are required to have a meeting with a 'fostering panel.' This may either be virtually on a Zoom meeting or an in-person