Child and Parental Wellbeing

Parent and child fostering scenarios

When you think of fostering, looking after children who cannot be raised by their families of origin often comes to mind.

However, there is also parent and child fostering, where a foster carer takes a parent and their child (a newborn or an infant) into their home.
At Beacon Fostering, we aim to provide you with the key facts regarding this type of foster care, and how it differs from typical fostering of children and teenagers.

Why does parent and child fostering happen, and what does it entail?

Parent and child fostering requires the carer to work in tandem with the parent(s) to look after the child.

It can take place because the parent(s) may need support in raising the child, particularly if they are under 18, or social services are concerned about how they will cope.

Regardless, your role is to provide guidance in keeping house to enhance the parent’s life skills, and raise the child in a safe environment, ensuring that the child and parent can remain together.

Who can do this?

Fostering new parents is best suited for those who have experience looking after babies and very young children. As with fostering children, you must have a spare room that is large enough to hold a cot and changing area for the child, as well as a bed for the parent.

Why should I consider it?

Like fostering children, fostering parents and children come from all different backgrounds. It’s not just young mothers who undergo this – some are older, and there are fathers too.

Regardless of how old they are, helping new families can be just as rewarding as fostering children.