
Beacon Sporting Chance

At Beacon Fostering our team are extremely passionate about sport and we believe that every child deserves an equal opportunity to take part in the sport of their choice.

What is Beacon Sporting Chance?

Beacon Sporting Chance is an initiative which we have created to ensure that no foster child is prevented from taking part in sport. If you decide to foster a child with Beacon Fostering who is interested in any sport and wants to take part, we will fund the equipment! For instance, cricket and golf are great sports which can be very calming, but the equipment is quite pricey. We will make sure that the looked after child has equal opportunities to play this as everyone else and fund the equipment required for taking part in the sport.

What if I’m fostering a child who isn’t interested in sport?

We recognise that not every child has an interest in sport. Beacon Sporting Chance also covers things like dance, ice skating and drama/acting classes!

What are the benefits of sport for children?

There are many reasons children should be physically active and take up a sport or hobby like dancing…

  • Improves mental health
  • Physical development
  • Helps their teamworking skills
  • Relieves stress
  • Develops leadership skills
  • Creates a healthy lifestyle
  • Gives children a focus
  • Improves confidence
  • Creates friendships
  • Creates motivation

Beacon Sporting Chance is just one of many reasons to foster with Beacon Fostering – see more

Apply to foster with us now!