Foster care stories, as told by children of foster parents
Many people who become foster carers often already have biological children of their own, and may be wondering the benefits that fostering can bring to them and their children.
Beacon Fostering encourages all kinds of families to consider and apply for fostering in Stockport and other areas of the North West. Here are some testimonies and case studies of foster care, told from the perspective of their biological children.
Millie and Kaitlin
These sisters had some familiarity with fostering, as their father spent his childhood in foster care. Nonetheless, there were some challenges in adjusting their family routine and behaviour when their parents fostered a young boy.
Millie was worried about being ‘pushed out’ of family life; however, she and Kaitlin learned to be compassionate and patient in the fostering journey, and it even brought them closer together.
At the age of three, T’s parents became foster carers. She remembers the many visitors that came to their house, and her mother showing her how she could help and be involved with looking after the baby the family was fostering. She advises children of foster carers to offer their parents support and act as a good role model to the new children in the house
Phoebe’s parents decided to become foster carers when she was 17 years old. While she found having another child in the house daunting at first, she became used to it as she got to know them, and it also brought a lot more fun into home and family life. This was particularly the case at Christmas time, where her family and the foster child(ren) shared traditions with one another.