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Fostering Christian children – what do I need to know?

Whether or not you are a follower of religion as well as a foster carer, you might find that you are fostering a child who comes from a religious background.

Christianity is just one of these, and if your foster child and/or their family of origin actively practices the faith, you might be wondering what you can do to accommodate their beliefs.

Beacon Fostering promotes inclusivity within their fostering agency, and also understands the diversity of religions in our society. Here are some top tips.

Going to church

Regardless of the denomination, church provides a great support network of likeminded families and individuals, where you can share beliefs, views and experiences. Participating in prayers, clubs and other events ensures that they are in touch with their beliefs and the Christian community as a whole.

Depending on your child’s age and interests, they may even want to volunteer to help with organising and running church-related events.

Discussion of faith

Religion can bring a great source of comfort for children in uncertain times, especially when they are entering foster care. You can discuss what being Christian, and God and Jesus mean to them, and how their faith helps them with understanding their hardships and challenges.

Celebrating religious holidays

Since Christian events such as Christmas and Easter have become more secularised and arguably commercialised, fostering a child who follows Christianity can show families the true meaning and origins of these holidays, along with how and why they started in the first place.

Reading the Bible (or child-friendly versions) can help with understanding why Easter and Christmas are important to Christians and how they are celebrated today.