Getting your foster children into the Christmas spirit!
Christmas is a time for celebration, coming together and festivities. However, for foster children, it can also be a challenging time of year.
Whether or not it’s their first Christmas without their family of origin, it’s important to support them in their feelings, include them in your traditions and create new ones together. Here are some tips from Beacon Fostering for getting children in foster care into the Christmas spirit.
Making decorations
There are plenty of ideas for creating decorations for your Christmas tree and around the house as well. You could make paper chains or snowflakes, or if you’re up for the challenge, a wreath to hang on the front door, along with personalised gift stockings.
If you’re already a crafter, show your foster child how to make these, or use books and the internet if you’re a first timer. Involve them in decorating your Christmas tree too.
Some children may feel pressure or overwhelmed when opening their gifts – particularly if they receive a lot of them – so it helps to spread out the opening of their presents across the festive holidays.
Additionally, it’s also a good idea to pick up additional presents and supplies for children who may be placed with you over the Christmas period.
Family contact
If possible, you should work with your foster child’s social worker to organise contact with their family of origin. Your child may be worried about them, so arranging a phone call or physical, supervised visit will reassure your child that they can enjoy Christmas worry-free.