Tips for Foster Carers

How to help your child keep their new year resolutions

The new year is a time for fresh starts and new beginnings – and with these come new year’s resolutions.

These are largely defined as things to do and improve upon in the next 12 months, and often revolve around things such as doing more exercise or eating healthily. However, more often than not, these resolutions often fall by the wayside, with people giving up on their goals within a week or forgetting about them altogether.

When your foster children seek to set new year resolutions, it helps to ensure they keep up with them. Here are some tips from us at Beacon Fostering.

Deciding on a goal

Goals for the new year should be thought of as just that – goals, as opposed to resolutions. We are all works in progress, and instead of choosing something lofty, ambitious and short term, consider something smaller and more long term.

Maybe your child or children in foster care wants to learn a new hobby, or they want to try a new food or skill. If they are interested in environmental matters, they may want to recycle more or learn about reducing their carbon footprint. It can also help to find them a like-minded group or community.

How to start on the goal

A good framework for setting goals is SMART: Specific, Measurable, Acheivable, Realistic and Time-bound. These ensure that your children can create aims for the coming year that they will be able to meet and not feel overwhelmed by.

Checking in across the year

Every month or so, check with your foster child on the progress they’ve made on their goal or goals. Look at what they’ve done so far, and what they can do next. Congratulate them on their milestones and continue to encourage them.