Child Welfare

The rights of foster children

Children’s rights being acknowledged and adhered to are important to all children, especially to those who are living in foster care. Here’s what to know from Beacon Fostering regarding the rights that foster children and young people in care are entitled to.

Safe environment

This is a fundamental right to children and young people in foster care. Their guardians should ensure that they are living in an environment where they can thrive and feel safe, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Checking their living conditions

Children and young people living with foster families have the right to have their living conditions checked regularly by the local authorities, to see if they are receiving adequate care and support.

Having their voice heard

The needs of a foster child should be the main priority regarding their living conditions, and it is their right to speak up when things are not going right, and contribute to decisions about where they live, their education and the like. They also have the right to know who to go to if they have any questions or problems, and who is responsible for their wellbeing.

Contact with biological family

Unless it would not be in the best interests of the child and their welfare, foster carers, social services and to some extent, the courts, should ensure that they are in regular contact with their family of origin. If they have siblings who have also been taken into care and are living elsewhere, the authorities should ensure they have contact with one another.