News Blog Category

Transferring to Beacon Fostering

Beacon Fostering doesn’t just accept new foster carers, we also accept current foster carers who are interested in joining the ‘Beacon Fostering Family.’

During this blog, we will be discussing reasons why foster carers should transfer two Beacon Fostering and answering frequently asked questions regarding the transferring process.

Can I transfer fostering agency?

Yes – you can transfer fostering agency or transfer to Beacon Fostering from your local authority or another agency. This is not as difficult or challenging as you may think overall. We are also on hand to help with every step.

What happens if I have children placed with me now?

This is different for each child or young person, however generally the children placed with you can move across when you transfer agency. This would be discussed with each local authority responsible for the child or young person placed with you. It is important to work closely in partnership and plan for practical considerations.

What happens to my Form F assessment?

You will need a new Form F assessment for this to be presented to the Beacon Fostering panel. This is because your current Form F assessment is with your existing agency and therefore cannot be transferred. Having been assessed before, however, saves time, and we can prioritise the period since your last Form F assessment.

How long does it take to transfer?

Your transfer process can be “fast tracked” by Beacon Fostering. We won’t take any short cuts or not complete a full transfer process, but we can complete this on a timely basis and avoid any delays. We overall would aim to complete your transfer process in 3 months or shorter.

Why transfer to Beacon Fostering?

Transferring carers will already be skilled, experienced and committed foster carers, and we can support the transfer process step-by-step. Beacon Fostering has a “family” ethos, and there are many reasons to join us, including:

  • Our local focus in the North West region
  • Access to specialist and focused training
  • Relationships held with local authorities to secure your placements
  • Your dedicated and allocated social worker to support you from your transfer process
  • Therapeutic intervention and support
  • Competitive allowances and carer payments
  • Respite breaks
  • Access to events, activities and support groups
  • Commitment to celebrating young person’s achievements and care leaver outcomes
  • Beacon Sporting Chance for children – our contribution to sports and activities
  • Our ability to listen and engage with foster carers and children through Beacon Voice
  • Sector membership and accreditations held
  • Awards events for our foster carers
  • Our track record of success in the fostering sector, with over 100 years sector experience across our senior team

If you are a current foster carer and are interested in joining the Beacon Fostering Family, request a call back using the link below and one of our recruitment team, will give you a call to answer any further questions you have and talk you through the transferring process!