Fostering Resources

What to know about the Help at Hand scheme

When your foster child reaches their later teenage years, you will probably be wondering what happens to the support they’ll receive when they finish their schooling and prepare to enter university or further education.

Beacon Fostering provides foster families with full support as their foster children approach adulthood, and continues to offer guidance throughout further education or as they enter into careers. For further support, there is also the Help at Hand scheme.

This scheme seeks to provide information and guidance to young people transitioning out of foster care, as well as those still in care and in engagement with social services. Here are some other key points for you and your foster family to know.

What the scheme does

Help at Hand assists children in care and care leavers aged 25 and under with their future plans in education and/or starting their careers when they leave foster care.

Having delivered sessions providing professionals who work with the care-experienced community with insight into their work in London and the southeast of England, Help at Hand plans to deliver more of these in the North West and Midlands in 2025.

How has it helped others?

Help at Hand has provided much needed assistance to care-experienced young people in search of help, some of whom have additional health needs. 19-year-old Isaac, for example, sought the scheme’s help after he was given accommodation that was unsafe for his epilepsy. Thanks to Help at Hand intervening, the housing service provided him with a safer permanent flat, which was also close to his college.

If you’d like more information about support for your fostering journey from a network of experienced individuals, get in touch with the friendly team today.