Tips for Foster Carers

Why diversity is important for children

Diversity refers to variety within a group of something. For people, it can refer to the different races, cultures, genders, social classes, nations, ethnicities, sexualities and family backgrounds we belong to.

Beacon Fostering strives to be an inclusive and diverse fostering agency that accommodates carers and young people from different walks of life. Here, we explore why it’s important for children to be aware of different peoples, and grow up in an environment where this is acknowledged.

Importance of diversity and awareness

Being aware of and knowing about the different religions, races, cultures, disabilities etc. in one’s local area and by extension, the country and the world, is essential. It helps children to grow up without prejudice and cultural biases, and to create the basis for a future free from discrimination.

How to create a diverse environment

Ensuring that children are aware and appreciative of diversity begins with the resources that they have and the media they consume. What colour skins do their dolls and action figures have? What are the backgrounds of characters in the books they read and the films they watch?

Seeing people that come from different walks of life is essential in ensuring that differences are something to be proud of and celebrated. For children of colour, for instance, seeing characters that look like them and in some cases, share their hair type, instils pride in their identity.

At Beacon Fostering, our inclusive network is designed to ensure foster carers and their children have a solid foundation of support, no matter their background. If you’re looking to provide foster care in Liverpool, Manchester or other areas of the North West, reach out to our team today.