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Best documentaries on foster care

If you are looking for media about life for children in foster care, serialised dramas and films are likely to come to mind.

However, you may be seeking something more realistic that focuses on real people who have experienced foster care. Below are some documentaries that explore fostering.


Across three episodes, this Channel 4 series looks at two pairs of teenagers per instalment and their different experiences and challenges within the care system.

Split Up in Care: Life Without Siblings

Sibling separation is a key issue in the fostering system in the UK, and Ashley John-Baptiste investigates why this happens and what is being done to ensure brothers and sisters know about, and remain in contact with, one another.

Joe Swash: Teens in Care

In this document, actor and TV personality Joe Swash explores life for teenagers in the care system. Inspired by his mother, who has fostered children for over 15 years, he spends time with young people living with foster families and in group homes, and those who left care.

My Life in Foster Care – Casey’s Fostering Story

This 20-minute video come courtesy of Community Foster Chair, and shares the story of Casey, who entered foster care as a very young girl. She talks about her experiences and feelings, and her work with the organisation to create welcome boxes for youth entering care.

Jimmy Akingbola: Handle with Care

The Bel-Air actor shares his personal journey in the foster care system and being raised by a white British family.

If you’re looking to provide foster care in Cheshire or other areas of the North West, speak to the team at Beacon Fostering today for help and guidance.