Tax records and relief
You will receive fostering payments (for the children and young persons that are placed with you) and these will be free of income tax and national insurance. You therefore will need to complete a tax return each year to cover your fostering income.
Fostering tax relief
• Age under 11 - £375 per week (per child)
• Age over 11 - £450 per week (per child)
The weekly amounts are only eligible when you have a child or young person actually placed with you. Please see the HMRC website for further details:
The amounts have been increased to help support foster carers and reduce the overall tax payable. This is to recognise the hard work and dedication that you provide through fostering.
Working example
Tax exemption = £18,140 (household total) + 20 x £375 (child age 8) + 52 x £450 (child age 15) = £49,040
Fostering benefits
• Income support
• Disability living allowance (DLA)
• Working tax credits
• Job seeking allowances
We recommend that you do share information on your fostering income, however when you are applying and discussing your benefits, it is better to share this information than not.
Housing benefit
If you don’t have a placement for an extended period but the room is reserved for fostering, you may also be able to claim for that period (up to 52 weeks)